'; answr[0] = ''; expln[0] = ''; img[0] = ''; id[0] = 328574; qstn[1] = ''; answr[1] = ''; expln[1] = ''; img[1] = ''; id[1] = 328575;var CurrentQstn=0; function ShowCheck() { c = document.getElementById('checked'); u = document.getElementById('unchecked'); f = document.getElementById(id[CurrentQstn]); if (c && u && f) { if (f.value > 0) { u.style.display = 'none'; c.style.display = 'block'; } else { c.style.display = 'none'; u.style.display = 'block'; } } } function AjaxCheckCard(x) { } function CheckCard() { f = document.getElementById(id[CurrentQstn]); if (f) f.value = 1; ShowCheck(); AjaxCheckCard(1) } function UncheckCard() { f = document.getElementById(id[CurrentQstn]); if (f) f.value = 0; ShowCheck(); AjaxCheckCard('null') } function FlipCard() { s = document.getElementById('fcardfront'); h = document.getElementById('fcardback'); l = document.getElementById('cardside'); if (s && h) { if (s.style.display == 'block') { audiotext = document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML; if (audiotext.length < 1){ audiotext = document.getElementById('answer').innerHTML; } else { audioans = document.getElementById('answer').innerHTML; audioexpl = document.getElementById('explanation').innerHTML; audiotext = audioans+'. ' +audioexpl; } s.style.display = 'none'; h.style.display = 'block'; l.innerHTML = 'Back'; } else { audiotext = document.getElementById('question').innerHTML; h.style.display = 'none'; s.style.display = 'block'; l.innerHTML = 'Front'; } } if(document.getElementById('TempPlayAsYouGo').value =='enabled'){ rv(); } } function ToggleDiv(show, hide) { s = document.getElementById(show); h = document.getElementById(hide); if (s && h) { h.style.display = 'none'; s.style.display = 'block'; } } function PreviousQstnBtn() { cancel(); ShowPreviousQstn() } function ShowPreviousQstn() { if (CurrentQstn > 0) { CurrentQstn -= 1; ShowQstn(CurrentQstn); } var c = document.getElementById('cntr'); var tempcnt = parseInt(c.value); c.value = tempcnt-1; } function ShowNextQstn() { console.log('ShowNextQstn'); if (CurrentQstn < qstn.length - 1) { CurrentQstn += 1; ShowQstn(CurrentQstn); } var c = document.getElementById('cntr'); var tempcnt = parseInt(c.value); c.value = tempcnt+1; //if(this.click){ //responsiveVoice.cancel(); //} } function NextQstnBtn() { console.log('NextQstnBtn'); cancel(); ShowNextQstn() } function ShowQstn(idx) { f = document.getElementById('fcardfront'); q = document.getElementById('question'); b = document.getElementById('fcardback'); c = document.getElementById('qid'); a = document.getElementById('answer'); i = document.getElementById('qstnimage'); e = document.getElementById('explanation'); x = document.getElementById('qstncnt'); l = document.getElementById('cardside'); if (f && b && q && a) { b.style.display = 'none'; f.style.display = 'block'; q.innerHTML = qstn[idx]; a.innerHTML = answr[idx]; c.value = id[idx]; audiotext = qstn[idx]; if (i) { var imgfile = img[idx]; if (imgfile.length > 0) { i.style.display = 'block'; i.src = '/dbadmin/image/examimage/'+imgfile; } else { i.style.display = 'none'; i.src = ''; } } } if (x) x.innerHTML = idx+1; if (l) l.innerHTML = 'Front'; ShowCheck(); if (e) e.innerHTML = expln[idx]; if(document.getElementById('TempPlayAsYouGo').value =='enabled'){ rv(); } } function toMinuteAndSecond( x ) { var h=0; var s = x%60; if (s < 10) s = '0'+s; var m = Math.floor(x/60); if (m >= 60) { h = Math.floor(m/60); var m = m%60; if (m < 10) m = '0'+m; return h + ":" + m + ":" + s; } return m + ":" + s; } function setTimer( remain ) { (function TestTimer() { t = document.getElementById('countdown'); if (t) t.innerHTML = toMinuteAndSecond(remain); (remain += 1) >= 0 && setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000); })(); } setTimer(); function RandomizeCards() { var temp; for (var x = id.length - 1; x > 0; x--) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (x + 1)); temp = qstn[x]; qstn[x] = qstn[j]; qstn[j] = temp; temp = answr[x]; answr[x] = answr[j]; answr[j] = temp; temp = expln[x]; expln[x] = expln[j]; expln[j] = temp; id1 = id[x]; id2 = id[j]; id[x] = id2; id[j] = id1; /* a = document.getElementById(id1); b = document.getElementById(id2); if (a && b) { temp = a.value; a.value = b.value; b.value = temp; } else { alert (id1+'-'+id2); } */ } CurrentQstn = 0; ShowQstn(CurrentQstn); }
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